Bonding of a Rescued Kitten and Family Cat: A Story of Unbreakable Attachment

A little kitty, saved alongside his siblings, quickly bonded with a family cat and became inseparable, showing some serious attachment as a stage five clinger.

Bear the cat welcomed the three tiny kittens into his foster home, including SquirtJennifer from @newkittensontheblock, with open paws. These kittens were in need of some serious TLC as they were emaciated and scruffy when they arrived. The trio had a long road ahead of them to grow and heal.

Jennifer, a dedicated foster volunteer at IndyHumane in Indianapolis, shared, “They were very underweight and dirty when I first took them in, so I believe they had been fending for themselves for a while before finding their way to the shelter.” At just four weeks old, these kittens were small in size, weighing only around 12-13 ounces each.

Meet three adorable foster kittens named Splash, Spritz, and Squirt, lovingly cared for by Jennifer at @newkittensontheblock. Even though they were in rough shape when they arrived, the two tabby sisters, Splash and Spritz, had loads of attitude and spunk. Their ginger brother, Squirt, was a bit timid at first, but with some good meals and comfy blankets, he warmed up quickly.

Spritz may have a perpetually grumpy face, but she’s the life of the party when it comes to playtime. She’s always showing off her unique cattitude and is absolutely smitten with her new home and all the toys to play with.

Spritz is a feisty little one with heaps of personality – Jennifer @newkittensontheblock
After some time, the ginger kitten started to cozy up to his foster mom and even snuggled in her lap for some serious cuddle sessions.
“At the beginning, Squirt was the most cautious around me. He would even hiss when I entered the room, but now he simply adores me. He constantly seeks my lap and purrs loudly when I give him head scratches,” Jennifer shared.

Squirt quickly warmed up to his foster mom and transformed into a snuggly little ball of fur. Thanks to Jennifer @newkittensontheblock’s attentive care, cozy surroundings, and nourishing meals, the kittens have packed on some much-needed pounds and are now full of playful energy. Jennifer goes all out to spoil them with a variety of toys and kitty furniture, ensuring they are constantly entertained and content.

Bear, Jennifer’s trusty feline companion and expert foster sibling, eagerly awaited the arrival of the new kittens for their introduction. His welcoming nature has made him a valuable assistant to numerous foster animals in need.

During the initial meet-and-greet, the two girls showed curiosity towards Bear, while Squirt seemed a bit hesitant. Jennifer shared with Love Meow that Squirt, like herself at first, may take a little time to warm up but is sure to come around in no time.

Getting to know Bear for the first time was an exciting moment for Jennifer at @newkittensontheblock. After a couple of weeks in foster care, the kittens were finally introduced to their resident helper, Bear. He wasted no time jumping into their playpen, taking on the role of their mentor. According to Jennifer, “He just loves to lend a paw to the foster kitties!”

Check out an adorable video of Bear and his foster kittens on, where you can see them bonding and playing together. One particular kitten, Squirt, loves to hang out with Bear by the window, enjoying some “cat TV” time. When they’re not snuggled up, Squirt can be found playfully swatting at Bear’s tail, which seems to be his favorite toy.

Bear always seems to know just what his foster kittens need, offering them comfort and cuddles whenever they need it most. His nurturing nature shines through as he bonds with each kitten in his care.

Bear has taken Squirt under his wing, according to Jennifer from @newkittensontheblock. The tabby sisters, Splash and Spritz, are asserting their dominance in the playpen, while Squirt enjoys Bear’s company and craves attention whenever he wants it. “Squirt has really become the most outspoken and attention-loving kitten in the bunch. He just can’t get enough of being picked up and cuddled!”

Jennifer, who goes by the Instagram handle @newkittensontheblock, shared how Bear has a special talent for boosting kittens’ confidence with his magical presence. He spends time playing with the energetic little ones and allows them to snuggle up to him for comfort when they feel like it. In the same foster room, Spritz maintains her position as the unofficial leader with her small size but strong personality.

Sprinkle of sass with Jennifer and her sassy kitty crew, including the fabulous Bear who was once a foster himself. Now a cherished member of the family, he is the ultimate buddy to all the foster kittens who come through their door.

Feline friends on the small screen – Jennifer from @newkittensontheblock
Feel free to spread the word about this heartwarming tale. Keep up with the latest on the kittens and Bear by following them on Instagram @newkittensontheblock.
Check out this connected story: Trusting Cat Delivers Kittens to Loving Family, Returns with Another Surprise the Next Day.

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